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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Things I LEARNED and DID when I was in Japan

I was offered to attend a 21 day course in Japan last year (2009), from 18th January to 7th February. I believe that was my most 'precious' birthday gift for me since my birthday falls on the 19th of January and at the 'unique' number of 33 :) There are so many things that I've learned and did in Japan, I can write a 21-pages essay for that! To make things fun, let me just simply outline it with pictures down here. By the way, if there's any correction to be made, please email to me :, because I may see things differently. So, sit back and enjoy the show :)
It's similar to Malaysian culture, bila ada meeting, normally ada la 'food'nya but its just not as heavy course as ours
They have 'adoberry', its a mixtures of few berries and looks like blueberries. This was capture at their planting area.
This is train time information
Its nice to go during winter season because you may never get this in Malaysia (except at our entertainment park la kan)
Take a trip with the bullet train...its comfy and really fast
Even in their bullet train, they still have information for the passengers..good good.
Capture the breathtaking Mount Fuji view. We were in the bullet train when the view was taken.
When taking the elevator, make sure you are on one side only since the other side is for those who is in a rush.
Where ever you are, please stay in a pack since the Japanese people are always in a rush. Bila terpisah dgn pack, itu yang mudah sesat tu.
They are really serious on making the earth green...see, there's recycle bins even at train station
Make sure your camera is around so that you can take beautiful view like this
Their toilet are 'bidet', try to adjust with it ya.
Tokyo is a happening city around the clock :)
Do visit our Malaysian cuisine restaurant in Tokyo. They have satay here.
Do enjoy milkshakes with your friends even during winter...nyummylicious...The paper bags we're carrying is from Akihabara, its a souvenir shop and the price is very reasonable when you purchase in high volume.
Take a ride on the amazingly fun roller coaster. I did that and won't do it again,huhu 
Take lots lots lots of pictures even if its before the lecture starts,hehe
In JICA, they have a fair trade community, you can buy the items and at the same time contribute to the community...I'm holding a chocolate made by the community.
They even have recyle bins in the office...fantastic!
You can find this 'hot n cold' vending machine drinks everywhere, be it in an office, even at the sidewalk huh!
We stayed at JICA centre, I'm not sure its open to tourist or not but if they do, I would recommend you to stay here.
How I missed my kids so much. Dapat bermanja manja dgn anak orang pun jadilah.
You really really need to know where you're going so that you won't miss your stop,hehe
Do visit their wax museum...its similar like madame tasseux in England.
My friend here so friendly with the 'tokei', so we ended up getting free food from them,hehe. Cayalah Farahsan.
Minyak masak pun they recycle tau. See...minyak masak dimasukkan dalam botol dan akan diproses di kilang dan selepas itu akan digunakan sebagai bahan api untuk kenderaan mereka. Pehhhh...fantastic!
This was in Osaka, ada yang menggunakan tenaga solar untuk menggantikan tenaga elektrik sedia ada.
In town like Osaka, ramai yang cycling to do their daily chores but in big city like Tokyo pun masih ada yang cycle to work.Hebat hebat...
Don't forget to take picture with the Kimono girls
They are really concern on hygiene. 'Guru' kami pakai mask for safety purposes.
Last day in Osaka, ambil kesempatan gi cycling. Best jugak cycle in the winter season, penat terasa tapi tak berpeluh,hehe
Sekali sekala bila terasa rindu masakan Malaysia, apalagi, kitchen la tempat mengubat rindu.
Di belakang kami tu bangunan yang belum siap. They cover the buildings yang belum siap. Bagus bagus!

1 comment:

  1. Nice work Jona-san! Thank u so much for ur effort.. lovin' it.. rindu those days.. bile la nk dpt peluang mcm tu lagik kan..


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